National News

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National News Archive

Plastic bags to be phased out by the middle of 2019
FMC says 'weak' DoC allowing tourism operators to flout law
City Rail Link engineering company goes bust
500 job vacancies: Ashburton employers struggling to find workers
Cold blast: River levels rise in the south, heavy rain for the north
Queenstown Airport to be visited by millions by 2045
Two dead, one critically injured after Southland motorcycle crash
Rugby: Historic win for Ireland over All Blacks
Govt wants investigation into civil engineer responsible for CTV building
Mother of Pike River victim: Re-entry plan 'disgraceful'
The death of Radio Live
Low-income property developer helps community meet housing demand
'The cutest sheep in the world' turn heads in Christchurch
E-scooter safety campaign rolled out in Auckland
Housing crisis in Central Otago and Queenstown Lakes forces young families out of region
Andrew Little on Pike River: 'Re-entry is about fulfilling a promise to the families'
Pike River relatives on mine re-entry: It's a 'truly amazing day for our families'
Green MP Eugenie Sage accused of 'rubber-stamping' land sales to foreigners
Pilots seek stricter drone laws as they await improved technology
Primary school teachers on strike again today

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