National News

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National News Archive

Queen Elizabeth II dies, palace says
Napier councillors divided over leadership issues after successive CEO exits
Glenorchy on shaky ground - location a 'privilege' that comes with a 'cost'
Police admit failing to notice body in burnt-out car
Snow hits Dunedin and Christchurch, gales cut power in north
Wintry blast: Snow on the way, heavy rain warnings as cold spell moves in
Police fail to give Parliament accurate spend on consultants
Fifth monkeypox case confirmed in New Zealand
New Zealand has its warmest and wettest winter on record
Local body elections are looming - why you should care
Council candidate: 'I'm an atmosphere shifter'
Race to find space rock near Dunedin
Climate change experts warn people must rethink trans-Tasman travel habits
Government drops plans to charge GST on KiwiSaver fees
Midwives taking Ministry of Health to court over pay, support
Degree of sea level rise now inevitable, paper shows
New national health organisation accused of secrecy
Queenstown skifields prepare for Winter Games rush
Ruapehu skifields hit by warm, wet winter, 130 staff lose jobs
Last week's rain was intense and there'll be more to come

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