peter newport

Peter Newport

Peter Newport is a former reporter for Radio NZ, and a former producer with TV3. He started his career at the ODT and TVNZ before working for Australia’s Channel 9 as their London Correspondent, as a senior News Director with BBC TV News and as a Discovery Channel documentary producer. He lives in Queenstown.

Posts by Peter Newport in Crux News Posts:

Our local council. Doomed to be unloved and misunderstood?
Tourism Minister's Report "the costs of tourism could outweigh the benefits"
Government Tourist Tax "disappointing and potentially worthless for Queenstown" - Mayor
Tourism - Time to renegotiate or withdraw our social licence
Some Big Answers from Mayor Jim Boult
Overseas home buyers spend large in Southern Lakes
Mayor's Hot Seat Questions - Update
$6 million urgent fix approved for dangerous Tucker Beach junction
Nice Graphics - $2m spent on Town Plan, nothing built
QLDC: town centre car access to be "greatly reduced"
Simon Bridges pushes "more local autonomy" for Southern Lakes
Time to ban cars from our town centres?
Arrowtown farewells publican Keith Crawford
New regional media funding support in the pipeline
Our billion dollar man - QLDC boss Mike Theelen
Labour Government's new policy may affect southern road projects - NZTA
Kawarau Bridge finally open! NZTA blames QLDC for delays.
Historic breakthrough - key regional groups combine forces
Civil Defence boss slams “ridiculous” hospital plan
Hospital crisis: not a single surgeon or operating theatre in Queenstown or Wanaka

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