peter newport

Peter Newport

Peter Newport is a former reporter for Radio NZ, and a former producer with TV3. He started his career at the ODT and TVNZ before working for Australia’s Channel 9 as their London Correspondent, as a senior News Director with BBC TV News and as a Discovery Channel documentary producer. He lives in Queenstown.

Posts by Peter Newport in Crux News Posts:

ORC seeks Court Order to enforce QLDC sewage compliance
Rod Drury group pitches for private Queenstown hospital and gondola
Sewage: QLDC knew for four years of “incorrect operation”
Tourism and Health ministers gone in major Luxon reshuffle
Sewage: Deputy mayor and ORC councillor call for halt to Queenstown development
QLDC sewage consultants: "It's not looking good."
Otago Regional Council complicit in QLDC sewage cover up
Local fires fanned by strong winds - but under control
The Queenstown crashed car that nobody can touch
Investigation underway into Queenstown rental fire
QLDC: pollution signs from "previous overflow"
Sewage pollution signs ignored by Queenstown holiday crowds
Deputy Mayor: more Wānaka resources needed to stop out of town violence
Parents under fire from police after Wānaka assaults
The Friday Edition - now published for paid Crux subscribers
Firearms and drug arrests in Clyde, Hāwea, Wānaka and Queenstown
Cromwell's Memorial Hall build making good progress
Rod Drury: privatisation the best way to get things done
Richie McCaw's family say goodbye Christchurch - hello Wānaka
Road to nowhere: nine benches to one intersection

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