QLDC "Pollution" consent application cost close to $600,000
Public documents show that the QLDC has budgeted $583,000 for the "Network Consents Project" - otherwise known as the "permission to pollute" resource consent application. Another $773,000 has been allowed for "Queenstown Wastewater Renewals."
Submissions for the Resource Management Act application to the Otago Regional Council closed yesterday, with many locals outraged at what appears to be a "get out of jail free" card for accidental council wastewater discharges.
The QLDC has explained that the consent application is necessary to legitimise "what happens anyway" and make it "easier" to prosecute developers and contractors for polluting our lakes and waterways.
An April 2019 document produced by the Property and Infrastructure section of the council, the re-forecast of 2018/2019 Capital Works Programme, details new numbers for a variety of projects, in addition to the controversial wastewater consent budget.
- $960,000 for new recycling bins .... with $530,000 declared as a "surplus" to be transferred to another budget.
- A new $500,000 reservoir for Hanley's Farm deferred due to negotiations with developer.
- Queenstown CBD pressure release valves - $500,000 deferred "awaiting modelling outcomes."
- Kingston new wastewater scheme - $820,000 deferred "waiting for developer agreement."
- Ladies Mile - $1 million of water systems deferred until further development and SHA plans are agreed.
- Cardrona water scheme - $300,000 deferred for more investigations and research.
- Building and libraries budget - $980,000 to re-surface courts and build two new courts at stadium - deferred pending master plan.
- Gorge Road council building - $120,000 toilet upgrade and $110,000 security systems upgrade.
- Council computer system upgrade - $725,000 - $169,000 saving by moving to cloud based system. $70,000 for Skype business headsets.
- Wanaka - Ballantyne Road Design - $2,317,868 - $2 million deferred waiting for NZTA.
The full document - visible here - indicates the complexity of how ratepayers' money is spent and the challenge QLDC has in communicating these details.
Two clauses appear that the end of the document:
If you spot other noteworthy elements to this document please comment on the Crux Facebook page.