peter newport

Peter Newport

Peter Newport is a former reporter for Radio NZ, and a former producer with TV3. He started his career at the ODT and TVNZ before working for Australia’s Channel 9 as their London Correspondent, as a senior News Director with BBC TV News and as a Discovery Channel documentary producer. He lives in Queenstown.

Posts by Peter Newport in Crux News Posts:

ORC: QLDC/Veolia did not tell us it was this bad.
Police investigating Queenstown unexplained death
ORC seeks Court Order to enforce QLDC sewage compliance
Rod Drury group pitches for private Queenstown hospital and gondola
Sewage: QLDC knew for four years of “incorrect operation”
Tourism and Health ministers gone in major Luxon reshuffle
Sewage: Deputy mayor and ORC councillor call for halt to Queenstown development
QLDC sewage consultants: "It's not looking good."
Otago Regional Council complicit in QLDC sewage cover up
Local fires fanned by strong winds - but under control
The Queenstown crashed car that nobody can touch
Investigation underway into Queenstown rental fire
QLDC: pollution signs from "previous overflow"
Sewage pollution signs ignored by Queenstown holiday crowds
Deputy Mayor: more Wānaka resources needed to stop out of town violence
Parents under fire from police after Wānaka assaults
The Friday Edition - now published for paid Crux subscribers
Firearms and drug arrests in Clyde, Hāwea, Wānaka and Queenstown
Cromwell's Memorial Hall build making good progress
Rod Drury: privatisation the best way to get things done

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