Kim Bowden

Posts by Kim Bowden in Crux News Posts:

Queenstown: Do you recognise this man?
Cromwell's Neil Gillespie is back as Mayor Cadogan's deputy
The great Queenstown road gamble - will we give up our private vehicles?
Progress in Hanley’s Farm postal bid
Water park promises improvements as summer approval granted
Cromwell's Aramex operators out of business
Police appeal for video of man who drove into police cars near Cromwell
Early Ladies Mile objection from Government minister
Queenstown's Lady of the Lake turns 110
QLDC boss: Environment Court decision 'vindicates' the council
Taxpayers to close $24m funding gap for Hāwea's 'poo pipeline'
Lakeview decision makers set date for Queenstown hearing
Upper Clutha group claims environmental win
'Toxic' mould puts paid to planned Ladies Mile community hub
Cone-town continues: Gorge Rd stretch closed until mid-2023
Firefighters race wind to deal to hot spots at Q'town fire site
Firefighters dampen Mt Crichton hotspots, watch wind forecast
Alexa Forbes' ORC future on a knife-edge
Mayoral runner-up Jon Mitchell delays conceding defeat
Cromwell elects one fresh face to council

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