Kim Bowden

Posts by Kim Bowden in Crux News Posts:

Queenstown-Whakatipu ward: Who will best represent you?
Cromwell ward: Who will best represent you?
Arrowtown-Kawarau ward: Who will best represent you?
Wānaka-Upper Clutha Community Board: Who will best represent you?
Community verdict: Which QLDC mayoral candidate came out on top?
Aramex to come under WorkSafe spotlight as drivers voice safety concerns
Olivia Wensley sole mayoral candidate with declared big backer
Tarras group claims Christchurch ratepayers being kept in the dark
Wānaka doctors close after-hours services due to staff shortages
Police issue drugs warning ahead of Queenstown festival
Grand design revealed for Cromwell's hall of the future
Arrowtown 'institution' canned due to restaurant staffing stress
Facebook launches new support for Q'town tourism operators
Local elections - your chance to be part of Crux coverage
Aurora boss says 'we’re on track', despite unscheduled power outages
Chunk of 'hallowed' golf course goes to highway upgrades
Delays for drivers as night-time repair crews deal with damage from wet winter
Wider community in dark until Queenstown Airport's 10-year plan operational
Southland MP attacks 'high-level' tourism transformation plan
Those in the know given glimpse of Cromwell's hall of the future

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