Crux discounted survival Kit Offer
A home survival kit, and an office or car survival kit, are at the centre of all preparedness plans for a major earthquake in our district.
Crux has teamed up with the Prepare Group to offer a special discount to Crux readers. The offer removes the freight charges from kits being shipped to your home or business address if you team up with your neighbours or staff and place a group order.
Three important things to note:
- Select the home, business and or car kits you want to buy for yourself or your group but don't order via the website otherwise you'll not benefit from the Crux offer.
- To get the offer you need to email your detailed order to [email protected] copied to [email protected] as the Prepare website automatically adds freight charges per kits ordered. Remember that your kit may take some time to get prepared and shipped due to the comprehensive mix of items involved.
- Teaming up with your neighbours is one of the key messages from the experts on how to prepare for a major emergency, so please use this kit offer to strengthen your neighbourhood relationships and save money!
Here's some examples of the kits on offer - you can add extra emergency food and water locally. Don't forget it could take two to three weeks for help to arrive in the Southern Lakes and Central Otago.

Some of the kits on offer - click any image for the full range. Don't forget that to benefit from the Crux free freight offer you need to order by email (with Crux Promotion in the subject line) through [email protected] copied to [email protected]
Don't forget to send your Get Prepared story to [email protected] with a photo and some details of how you and your family, neighbourhood or flatmates have got yourselves sorted our for a major earthquake of other emergency. You'll automatically be entered into our free survival kit competition with a 4 person 72 hour kit as the prize.
Check out the free kit competition details here
Return to main Get Prepared page here
Check out this Consumer NZ video on how to get prepared