Wanted: panel members to judge mayoral candidate debate

Crux is looking for panel members to provide their assessment of our one hour video debate with mayoral candidates on Wednesday, September 14.

Panel members should be from all parts of the community - business owners, employed, Queenstown/Wānaka, self employed, low income, retired, and at least one school student - we'd like to have as broad a cross section as possible!

Just email [email protected] with some information about yourself and why you'd like to take part.

You'll need to be available for 90 minutes (10.30 am to 12 noon) on Wednesday September 14th in Queenstown for the recording of the hour long debate. You'll be there to judge, observe and score - but you can also contribute questions for the debate in advance, along with all other Crux readers.

Crux will provide you with an assessment template (in Word format) for you to complete before 5.00 pm the following day - September 15th.

We'll then publish the full one hour debate on September 16th, and then publish all of the assessments over the next days.

The debate will include Glyn Lewers, Jon Mitchell and Olivia Wensley. Crux will be producing additional video coverage of the remaining candidates who declared at a later stage of the nomination process.

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