The Crux by-election debate

The voting papers are out and election day - June 11 - is not far away.

Who will you vote for in the current QLDC by-election: Esther Whitehead or Phil Wilson?

Crux Managing Editor Peter Newport spent 20 minutes with the two earlier today discussing their policies, their personalities and which side of the growth/environment fence they sit on.

Watch out for the Crux by-election poll over the weekend to register your opinion - and why you support your preferred candidate.

Emily Rutherfrod's name will appear on the ballot papers - but she has told QLDC and local media that her intention is not to stand for council, even though techncially she can't withdraw.

Thanks to the Hilton Queenstown for our interview location.

Watch and then take our poll so we can track who's leading - and who needs to catch up!

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