QLDC mid term performance review - rate the people you voted for

It's around 18 months since the last local elections. Time enough to figure out if you think you made the right choices or not.

The elected members as a group did not do very well in the council's own 2024 survey, scoring a desperately low 15 percent satisfaction rating - the same as council managers and staff.

Let's not forget that QLDC councillors get paid less than in many other population centres, so it's not really a full time job for most of them.

Score the mayor, deputy mayor and each elected councillor by three categories:

  • Communication with ratepayers
  • Voting decisions and policy making
  • Their public profile and reputation (strength and quality) 

For each person you can choose one of the following:

  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Neutral
  • Poor
  • Very poor
  • Don't know

On mobiles make sure to scroll to the right of your screen to see all three columns. There's a drop down menu for each answer.

Here's the survey, which closes 12 noon Friday, April 5.

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