Measles: new cases in Wanaka and Q'town

Oct 18, 2019

Here's this week's measles update from the SDHB.

Four Queenstown residents and one Wanaka resident have been confirmed as new measles cases this week, bringing the total number of Southern DHB cases to 71.

Total cases for each location to date is:

Dunedin: 2

Oamaru: 1

Wanaka: 3

Queenstown: 64

Gore: 1

The Wanaka resident who was a new case this week was in contact with a known case and has been in isolation throughout the infectious period.

Today the Ministry of Health has announced extra MMR vaccine availability that will be distributed in the next couple of weeks. For the Southern District Health Board region this means we will be able to widen our priority groups to include routine MMR vaccination at 15 months and 4 years, and catch up MMR vaccinations for all children and young people up to the age of 18 years.

Further information about this process will be available next week.

Anyone who thinks they might have been exposed to measles should watch out for symptoms and isolate themselves immediately if they start to get sick. Please call your GP practice in advance if you are seeking care.

Measles symptoms include cough, runny nose, inflamed eyes, fever followed a few days later by a rash.

Unvaccinated people who have had direct contact with measles cases should get advice from Healthline on 0800 611 116.

The Immunisation Advisory Centre has provided up to date information about measles immunity and the MMR vaccine on their website:

For more information on measles please visit the Ministry of Health website.


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