Mayor's Hot Seat Questions - Update

So the votes are in for our initial In the Hot Seat session with Mayor Jim Boult.

Here's a link to the six final questions for the Mayor.

The Mayor has asked for extra time to research his answers as some of the subjects do have a degree of complexity. Crux thinks that's a fair request. We'll be posting the Mayor's video replies next week.

The top four liked questions all qualify for a free LocalCard and vouchers, but Terri Anderson is linked with the Crux publisher, the Southern Community Media Trust, so the LocalCard winners will be as listed below.

The winners need to check out this page to complete the entry process. We'll then send an email to each winner telling them how to get their free LocalCard and vouchers worth over $150.


Ben Rotto

John Sarginson

Cheryl Langford

Sharron Beattie

Thanks to everyone who submitted questions.

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