Crown Range police blitz - drivers caught on wrong side of road at twice speed limit

Police have stopped a large number of drivers following an operation targeting high risk driving on the Crown Range and Cardrona Valley roads.

22 infringements were issued yesterday (Dec 12) to drivers needlessly crossing the centre line and carrying out unsafe passing manoeuvres, with two drivers stopped travelling nearly twice the speed limit on the wrong side of the road through Cardrona Village.

Ten further infringements were issued for a range of offences including speeding, drivers using their mobile phones and failing to wear their seatbelts.

Police are urging motorists to be patient, and drive to the conditions.

Data released to Crux by the NZ Transport Agency in May this year showed a total of 314 car crashes on the Crown Range Road in the last ten years, five of them fatal. 130 injuries were recorded.

Crux has approached police to ask if they have data that shows whether yesterday's infringements involved local or visiting drivers.

Here is the data we received from NZTA earlier this year.

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