Cooler weather means daytime road works on Gibbston SH6

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi crews currently overlaying a section of SH6 at night near the bungy bridge and Chard Road will switch to daytime sealing operations on Thursday in response to plunging overnight temperatures.

This area of SH6 has around 600 vehicles each hour so drivers need to build in extra time, ten to 15 minutes, for the Stop/Go and expect to be part of a queue.

“We can’t seal when it is only 4 degrees Celsius overnight and expect a lasting, reliable result,” says Robert Choveaux, System Manager for NZTA Otago and Southland. “We need to get the second half of this piece of work completed before winter, so the stretch of SH6 nearer to Gibbston will be sealed under Stop/Go tomorrow - Thursday, 14 March.”

Crews will hold traffic in each direction and manage a single lane through the work site.  The work will be done between 9 am and 4 pm, one side of the road at a time, with a 30 km/hour speed limit to bed in the new seal.

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