Coming up at The Sherwood - September's best music picks
Every month The Sherwood offer up a magic platter of music and performance at their establishment on Frankton Road. The thing I love about it is you could be settling down infront of sea shanties or gothic electro death metal (I’m sure that’s out there) and you never know what might happen. Every month I’ll share what’s going on with music in the town but here’s some info about them.
Who are you/ what are you offering?
We’re a restaurant, hotel, music venue, community workshop space, wellness centre - amongst other things. We have a really large area in relative Queenstown terms, and we aim to use it to enrich life and culture, as well as do our core jobs of feeding and sheltering guests. For me, that takes the form of booking the most interesting performers I can - both the well known and not-so-well known.
What’s coming up in the next couple of months?
Next month we'll be running an organic wine festival on September 23 with a folk duo called Fables playing music, we’ll have an exclusive heritage apple grafting workshop with some experts from Riverton, and we have a really interesting sampler of songwriters and musicians coming from Christchurch, Auckland and Queenstown. These include Fraser Ross, Katie Thompson, Ryan Fisherman in our more intimate workshop space, and locals The QFO Experiment playing a mixture of everything from Jazz to disco in the main room on Saturday September 8.
Meanwhile, The Beths are here to present their new album, Future Hates Me on September 22.
Down the line in October - we have Don McGlashan and The Warratahs, which will be very popular shows. All I need to tell you about those is that you should get your tickets now to avoid missing out.
Why should we come?
I think The Beths is a band that few in Queenstown might have heard of right now, but give it a year and you’ll to say you took the opportunity to see them when they played. We’re catching them just at the time Rolling Stone and Pitchfork are writing about them, and they’re starting to get offers from all around the world.
The workshop shows - Fraser on the 28th and Ryan Fisherman, Katie Thompson and Rob Grover on the 14th are really special - they’re somewhere between a barn dance and a house concert - where you can sit on a cushion really focus on great songwriting and performance.
All the shows above are $15 or less too! I think we’re lucky to have this stuff come through.
Where can we find out more?
The best thing you can do if you like live music is join our gigs mailing list at
But you can also see all our gigs at and in the events section of