Debbie’s not so disaster-ready household
To put it bluntly, me and my housemates are absolutely not prepared for a disaster. Three female tenants in our thirties living in a wooden house built on sticks into the hill up Goldfields – are we slightly freaked out and regretting not being prepared? Yes!
If the big quake was to happen right now, I’d be contending with a broken arm and no supplies except snacks, some tinned beans, tuna and bread. No first aid kit, except probably a couple of plasters here and there, or any items that would be of significant help to me.
Upon speaking to my absolutely prepared neighbour (where the conversation veered towards the fact our homes would potentially be involved in a landslide from Queenstown Hill when the big one hits, which panicked me even more), she kindly passed on some tips and has prompted me into action.
You’d think I’d have been prompted into action sooner, as Crux has been working on this preparedness campaign for some time now. But, it’s easy to brush things off and think 'Ah, heaps of time to prepare', when in fact, this impending big quake could literally happen any time now. Don’t be a fool like me, currently sitting here typing this riddled with doomed thoughts and feeling very unprepared!
Whilst our campaign provides heaps of information and resources, I pledge to you my plan of action and urge you to follow suit, especially if you live up a hill and may need to get down it if your home becomes unstable – a stocked-up wheelie bin!
Fill it with your survival kit (Crux is running an offer in conjunction with, spare batteries, cash in a zip lock bag, bottled water, food, weather-related items (sunscreen for summer; hat, scarf, gloves, waterproof winter coat with hood for winter etc), blankets, change of clothes, cleaning and sanitary products etc.
If you’re a single tenant like me, team up with your housemates, order your survival kits from, get to The Warehouse and buy a wheelie bin each, chip in together on bulk items, speak to your neighbours and see what plans they’ve made. Put an hour aside tonight to really think about this, make a plan and support each other. There’s no better time to start than now. Teamwork guys!
For now, I have a list, and purchases will be made next month when my broken arm has healed...In the meantime, I’m praying for no imminent landslides!