The $2 bus will continue to be the $0 bus during Level 3
From the Otago Regional Concil
"The Orbus service in Dunedin and Queenstown is largely unchanged at alert level 3. Buses will continue to be fare free and operate a reduced service, and we are still asking passengers to use the rear doors for entry and exit, where possible, and to keep a 2-metre physical distance while on the bus.
The major difference is that buses are now available for approved level 3 activities which were prohibited at level 4, such as traveling to or from school and undertaking safe, non-essential shopping.
The Queenstown network will also change to a half-hourly service to route 1, Frankton to Remarkables Park Centre.
Public transport staff will work with organisations like schools to monitor demand and any need for additional capacity. We are asking parents to register through an online form that their child will be using Orbus to get to school, to ensure we have adequate capacity. The form can be found online here: "