Airport, flight, restaurant and gondola locations of interest
An Air New Zealand flight from Queenstown to Auckland over Waitangi weekend has been listed as a location of interest as the first confirmed cases of Covid in the South have been confirmed by officials.
Flight NZ614, which left Queenstown at approximately 9.20am on Sunday, February 6, has been added to the Ministry of Health’s official list.
It has been classed a close contact event and all passengers and crew are asked to self-isolate and be tested immediately, while anyone at the Queenstown Airport between 8.45am and 9.15am should be aware of Covid-19 symptoms and get tested if they develop.
Also considered close contacts: Those at My Thai Lounge restaurant on Beach Street on Friday, February 4, between 7.30pm and 8.30pm.
Another location of interest: the Skyline Gondola on Saturday, February 5, between 3.30pm and 5.45pm, and visitors are asked to self-motinor for Covid symptoms.
The new locations of interest come as the Southern District Health Board confirms two Covid-19 cases in Queenstown.
They are the first new community cases in the Southern District Health Board area since April 17, 2020.
Officials confirmed the first case Thursday morning; the second case is a close household contact of the first. Both are isolating.
Speaking in relation to news of the first case, Queenstown Lakes District Mayor Jim Boult said in a statement the individual has the Omicron variant and is cooperating with Ministry of Health officials to identify any locations of interest and close contacts.
The news is a wake-up call for the community, he says.

QLDC Mayor Jim Boult: 'Remain calm, support one another and be kind'.
“This may feel confronting with our district having been free from Covid for so long, but we knew it was coming.
“Over the coming weeks and months, we are highly likely to see more cases pop up, so have a chat to your household about what you would do in case you had to isolate at home.
“Do you have enough groceries, pet food and medication, or do you have someone who can drop supplies at your door?”
People had done a great job to increase vaccination and booster numbers, and follow red-setting guidelines, he says.
“It’s time to double down and keep ourselves and each other safe and healthy.
“It’s important at this time that we all remain calm, support one another, and be kind.”
Meanwhile, two Super Rugby Pacific teams are also isolating in Queenstown due to close contact protocols.
New Zealand Rugby says the Moana Pasifika and Blues squads are now isolating in their respective hotels as they await PCR Covid tests for members of their squads.
Ironically, New Zealand Rugby and the six New Zealand-based Super Rugby clubs elected to move to Queenstown and operate in separate, controlled bubbles to mitigate the risk of a Covid close contact event or positive case side-lining entire squads.
The news is a reminder for all locals and visitors to keep following public health measures, including:
- Regularly wash and thoroughly dry your hands or use hand sanitiser.
- Sneeze and cough into your elbow.
- Keep your distance from people you do not know.
- Clean or disinfect shared surfaces often.
- If you have cold, flu or Covid-19 symptoms: stay home, get a test.
- Always use the Covid tracer app when entering all premises, including the workplace, and have Bluetooth turned on.
- Wear a mask whenever you can and where they are mandated.
- Get a booster if you are now eligible.
- If you do not have symptoms, do not get a test if you have not been in a location of interest in the timeframes specified or if you haven’t been asked by Public Health.
- To stay up to date on health advice, the latest locations of interest, and where to get tested make your go-to source of information.