peter newport

Peter Newport

Peter Newport is a former reporter for Radio NZ, and a former producer with TV3. He started his career at the ODT and TVNZ before working for Australia’s Channel 9 as their London Correspondent, as a senior News Director with BBC TV News and as a Discovery Channel documentary producer. He lives in Queenstown.

Posts by Peter Newport in Crux News Posts:

Meridian: Electric Manapōuri ferry can survive floating log collision
Q’town Arterial Road: UK engineers finish major motorway project in 48 hours
Crux won’t generate AI news – but be afraid of those that do
Is Farmers coming to Frankton - or the police?
'Road to nowhere' cutbacks miss $400,000 art panels
QLDC councillor: 'We are being shielded from the community'
'Taken on board' - Mayor acknowledges Crux survey results and comments
QLDC 15% community rating: Response from mayor and CEO
Community supports QLDC staff/cost reductions plus CEO departure in survey
Bus driver blames QLDC 'morons' for $60 fine as he helps stroke victim
Our local council’s budget overruns could fund all of NZ journalism
QLDC rips up new arterial road surface due to 'cooler weather'
Helicopter rescue for Arrowtown pharmacy medical event
15% approval rating and $415,000 salary: pressure on mayor to sort out CEO
QLDC survey: profound concern over council and councillor performance
QLDC releases video of $190,000 per metre arterial road
Queenstown airport on Tarras backdown: 'Common sense has prevailed'
Serious medical event closes Cromwell College
Chaos as Taylor Swift left luggage diverts Qantas flight
Qantas flight 122: Why were so many people and bags offloaded in Queenstown?

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