peter newport

Peter Newport

Peter Newport is a former reporter for Radio NZ, and a former producer with TV3. He started his career at the ODT and TVNZ before working for Australia’s Channel 9 as their London Correspondent, as a senior News Director with BBC TV News and as a Discovery Channel documentary producer. He lives in Queenstown.

Posts by Peter Newport in Crux News Posts:

Massive Dunedin and Wānaka hospital marches challenge Government
Crux saves ducks: an official road guide
Crux Podcast: James Dicey accuses CODC of 'gross misrepresentation'
Local Government Minister: 'I expect QLDC to justify this CEO pay increase to ratepayers'
That 15% pay rise - Theelen and Lewers' biggest mistake yet
Council CEO Mike Theelen gets 15% pay rise to $479,486
Kiwi chopper pilot released after 19 months being held hostage
Crux podcast: Councillor Gavin Bartlett 'why I'm not on Facebook'
NZME drops Ferg from The Hits, says 'thank you'
Your QLDC rate rises in detail - winners and losers
Serious problem discovered in legality of QLDC's rating system
Frankton, Jack's Point and Ladies Mile first in line for new transport system
Crux poll: 87% opposition to Ladies Mile sports field plan
Three concrete pads appear on Ladies Mile - what are they for?
24 hour poll: Queenstown or Wānaka for multi million dollar sports fields?
NZTA refuses impossible planning condition from QLDC
Crux podcast: Melissa White on council, cakes and a surprise exit from investment banking
Local competitors excel at Winter Games
Crux podcast: Sharon Fifield makes her case for the CBD - and a gondola
Confusion as Chinese backed Queenstown 'housing solution' hits problems

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