Local lawyer upset by Crux Community Foundation story

Local lawyer Graeme Todd has taken exception to the publication by Crux of our tongue in cheek “leveraged” invitation to local lawyers and financial advisors to attend a Wakatipu Community Foundation professional advisors presentation on Thursday this week.

Our reference to “naming and shaming” lawyers and advisors who did not attend was an expression of our strong support for the aims of the Foundation and their ability to provide a highly structured and professional channel for wealthy clients to contribute to important local community causes. The Foundation is open to working either directly with clients or via their advisors.

Crux aplogises to Mr Todd who says that lawyers he has emailed are offended by the Crux naming and shaming reference, that we have now removed. You can read the full story here.

Mr Todd has told Crux that he can't attend the Foundation function due to a family commitment but that his partner Michael Walker will be there. The event is being held this Thursday (September 27th) at the Queenstown Resort College (Executive Lounge) between 4.00 pm and 5.30 pm. Here's the email contact for the Wakatipu Community Foundation event organiser.

Crux is a big supporter of the Wakatipu Community Foundation's goals and we will publish a report on the Thursday event.

The Wakatipu Community Foundation is part of a national network of Community Foundations that have over $110 million under management for community causes.


Main Image: Graeme Todd.


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