CODC closes all community faciltiies

CODC has just made the following statement.

Council is responding to the announcement from Prime Minister Jacinda Adern this afternoon. We know this is a difficult time for all New Zealanders, and our focus is on ensuring the public safety of all people who live in Central Otago. Our focus will be on ensuring that we continue to deliver those essential services to keep our district running.

New Zealand is now at Alert Level 3. That means that as a Council we have received a clear directive.

Effective immediately, and until further notice, we have shut all our public facing facilities. These closures include all Council offices, service centres, i-SITEs, libraries, pools, playgrounds and community halls.

Over the next 48 hours we will be considering the essential services we provide and how we can continue to deliver these.

Staff and public safety will continue to be our number one priority.

Whilst we are facing challenging times ahead as a community and a country, we support and are grateful for the announcement of the Prime Minister with measures to keep us all safe.

Staff will still be available by phone and email via customer services during normal business hours – (03) 440 0056 and [email protected].

We will be providing more information and updates via our website, Facebook page and via local media over the coming days.

And as always, please follow the website for the most up-to-date information from the government.


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