28 Days - a Covid-19 Poem

by Esther Whitehead - Mar 28, 2020

Esther Whitehead is Managing Trustee of the Dyslexia Foundation of NZ, and Founder of Sustainable Queenstown Trust.

She works both locally and nationally to advocate for social and environmental justice. Esther is a writer, speaker and facilitator and lives in Queenstown.





28 Days Later- it works both ways!

 Let's see

In 28 days time

We'll be back to business as usual

Trump and others tell us, it seems

A strong economy

Is more important than

Our wellbeing


Our robust systems will get us through

Some say it's perverse to say

We've been gifted an opportunity in Covid19

Let's implement those metrics beyond GDP


Money can buy happiness now

and It's hard to believe

Our lives depend on our planet's boundaries

Financial wealth is a fallacy for the future

It's simple

We can't eat money


Either way

We hope for life to be normal

Whatever that is!

We're facing an existential crisis

Coronavirus is not the biggest issue we face

I realise this may be a shock!


For now, Mother Nature rests and revives

Let us learn from this grief and take stock for a moment!


Now read from the bottom of the poem.



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