10-year-old girl drowns after fall into Fiordland river

by Kim Bowden - Jan 25, 2024

A child on holiday from Australia has died after being swept down a river close to the road into Milford Sound in Fiordland today.

Police have confirmed the 10 year old fell into Marian Creek, which flows into the Hollyford River.

In a statement Southland Area Commander Inspector Mike Bowman says emergency services were alerted at approximately 11.40am after the girl, who was with family on holiday from Australia, fell into the fast-flowing waterway.

"She was located and removed from the water a short time later. CPR was performed and a doctor was flown to the scene. Sadly, however, she was unable to be revived."

He says it is a "traumatic event for those involved" and police are providing whanau with support.

"We would like to extend our sincere condolences to them."

Police are also thanking members of the public who assisted in locating and providing assistance to the young girl.

"Police will be preparing a report for the coroner, and at this time no further details are available."

The popular Lake Marian Track runs alongside the Marian Creek as it flows between Lake Marian and the Hollyford River. The track entrance is located close to the start of the Hollyford Road, close to its junction with State Highway 94 into Milford Sound.

Main image (DOC): Lake Marian Falls Track.

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