Expressions of interest invited for new Wanaka Airport Liaison Committee Chair
Applications are currently being sought for the role of Chair as part of the newly formed Wānaka Airport Liaison Committee. Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) would like to hear from individuals who can bring the required skills, experience and independence to this new position.
The Wānaka Airport Liaison Committee will commence its new role and responsibilities early in 2023 once the Chair is confirmed and its other members appointed by the entities specified.
Membership of the committee will include representatives from the Wānaka Airport Users Group, QLDC (in its role as regulator), and the recently elected Wānaka-Upper Clutha Community Board.
A requirement of the District Plan, the committee’s responsibilities include reviewing complaints relating to airport operations or noise, assisting QLDC and Queenstown Airport Corporation* (QAC) to communicate and engage with the community, and reviewing progress on any airport development activity.
Anyone interested in this position can find the committee’s draft Terms of Reference and a person specification on the QLDC website ( and should send their CV and covering letter before 20 January 2023 to:
Mike Theelen, Chief Executive, Queenstown Lakes District Council, Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9300; or via email: [email protected].
Details of committee appointments will be published on the QLDC website once confirmed.
Main image (Esther Small, The Moment Addict): Wanaka Airport