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Sixth case of Covid-19 coronavirus in New Zealand confirmed

The sixth case of Covid-19 coronavirus in New Zealand has been confirmed by Waitematā District Health Board.

Waitemata DHB chief executive Dale Bramley announced this afternoon that a man who returned home from the United States of America on 6 March has been confirmed as having the virus.

The man, who is in his sixties, heard a friend in the US was infected with Covid-19 and went to a GP on Thursday. Tests from Auckland City Hospital showed he was positive for the virus last night.

He was currently doing well at home and his wife was in self-isolation.

Other close contacts were being followed up by the Auckland Regional Health Service and would be asked to go into self-isolation.

The man attended an 8.30am church service last Sunday at St Mary's Church in Papakura, the day before he started feeling unwell.

Some people from that church service would be followed up as close contacts, Bramley said.

The Catholic Bishop of Auckland, Patrick Dunn, said the wellbeing of parishioners was their first priority.

The church is contacting people who attended the service - particularly older members.

The church's services today and tomorrow will continue as normal.

Another probable case of Covid-19 at North Shore Hospital had been sent home and was doing well, Bramley said.

Read more about the Covid-19 coronavirus:

Covid-19: What you need to know Self isolation - your questions answered Touching your Face: Why do we do it and how to stop Scientific hand-washing advice to avoid infection More Covid-19 news

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