Cromwell's population set to double
How will Cromwell cope with its population doubling in the next three decades?
That's the question the Central Otago District Council is seeking answers to at present.
The council has released three discussion documents address the town's future and is seeking feedback from the community.
But only two weeks remain until public consultation closes on the Cromwell master plan.
The plan will attempt to tackle how the town copes with growth, what to do with the town's centre and what to do with the town's heritage precinct.
Cromwell's population of about 5000 is expected to double in the next 30 years.
Central Otago District Council chief executive Sanchia Jacobs said getting the community's feedback was essential in formulating the master plan.
"The master plan team is now in full swing promoting and discussing the options for each of the work streams with the Cromwell community.
"There's some really good feedback coming through with plenty of people attending the drop-in sessions."
She urged residents to complete the survey.
Once public consultation closes the council will workshop the preferred options for the three work streams with the Cromwell Community Board.
A draft master plan business case will then be presented to the community board in the New Year and then shared with the community.
The community will have a chance to have a further say during the annual plan process next April.
But during the next two weeks residents can complete the survey online or at the Cromwell Service Centre.
The master plan team will also be at the Cromwell Farmers Market on Sunday.