National News

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Covid cases increase by 41 to 148: South Island still clear

Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield and Finance Minister Grant Robertson are providing an update on the response to the Delta outbreak.

Robertson says he has some positive news on vaccinations. Yesterday was the best day so far, with 63,333 vaccinations given.

"I genuinely want to thank all New Zealanders who are part of the vaccination programme."

He says it's an important step forward.

On case numbers, Dr Bloomfield says there are 41 new community cases, bringing the total for the outbreak to 148.

Of those new cases, 38 are in Auckland and three are in Wellington.

Read more about today's Covid-19 case numbers here

Earlier, Robertson told RNZ there was enough money left in the Covid-19 Recovery Fund to handle a full month of lockdown before more borrowing may be needed.

The news comes as applications reopened this morning for Resurgence Support Payments for businesses - a payment of $1500 per business plus $400 per employee, up to $21,500 - offering another line of non-wage-related financial aid alongside the wage subsidy and the Small Business Cashflow Loan Scheme.

While the government would reconsider its financial settings if the lockdown continues for a significant length of time, Robertson signalled further sector-specific support like had been seen with the tourism industry was not likely at this point.


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