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Child is youngest person with Covid to die in NZ

A child under the age of 10 has become the youngest person with Covid-19 to die in New Zealand, according to data on the Ministry of Health website.

In today's update of the numbers on the Ministry's official website, one death has been recorded in the 0-9 age group.

That age group had no deaths listed 24 hours ago and was last updated today. The data says the child is a Māori boy, registered to the Counties Manukau DHB.

The death was not reported in today's 1pm update from the Ministry.

There have now been 49 deaths of people with Covid-19.

The youngest age group has recorded 2201 cases of Covid-19 since the pandemic began - 16.5 percent of all cases.

The Ministry has been contacted for comment, and has said the information on the website is correct.

The previous youngest death was one person in their 30s, with four in the forties with the coronavirus also passing away.

There were 76 new community cases of the coronavirus reported in New Zealand today.

The updated data from the Ministry of Health website. Photo: Health Ministry

- more to come

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