Two local ski fields open with marginal snow

by Peter Newport - Jun 15, 2024

Cardona and the Remarkables ski fields both managed to open today (June 15) but the snow conditions were far from ideal.

Both ski fields only had two out of seven lifts operating.

Cardrona opened at 8.30am this morning with the McDougall’s Chondola, the learner conveyors, and six terrain park features for keen skiers and snowboarders to enjoy. A 5cm dusting overnight topped up snowmaking efforts for good early season snow conditions. The resort’s new rentals area and start of the art ski and snowboard workshop have also opened for the first time today.

Cardona ski field this morning - June 15

“The team have worked incredibly hard to get us open today, I’m incredibly proud of their mahi,” says Cardrona and Treble Cone GM, Laura Hedley. “We’re stoked to see everyone up here skiing and snowboarding – bring on Winter 2024!”

It was a 1.30am alarm to claim Cardrona Alpine Resort’s First Chair for Winter 2024, and the first turns of the New Zealand season. Dave Brown from Wānaka was one of the six who were up well before the sun – on the mountain by 3am.

The Remarkables ski field has had 11 centimetres of snow in the past week with a base of 1 - 30 centimetres. Only one of two beginners areas are open.

The Remarkables has only two out of seven lifts operating - the same as Cardona

The Remarkables ski field today - June 15

The forecast was for calm conditions with little to no wind and good visibility.

Coronet Peak did not open today.



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