Three ORC councillors support complaints over 35.8% Lakes rates increase
Otago Regional Councillor Gary Kelliher has thrown his support behind the large number of Queenstown Lakes residents who are angry over an average 35.8% ORC rates increase that was presented to the entire region as a "16% average."
Councillor Kelliher made his comments in reply to Wānaka resident Bruce Steenson who sent this email to all three Dunstan Ward ORC councillors.
"Just to add my voice to the commentary you have received on ORC rates rises, my ORC rates have increased 36% year on year in the most recent period but 320% since 2019.
"I have exchanged several emails with the ORC on this over the last few weeks and keep getting told by various people in various ways that it is because my property value has gone up. However my CV has increased by only 29% in the same 5 year period.
"If I look at the detail of the ORC rates then the rating factor applied to my CV to calculate "General rates" has increased by 280% since 2019/20 which explains where my rates have increased but not why."
"I live in Wanaka and my QLDC rates have increased by "only" 16% from 2019/20 to 2023/24. I'm waiting to see what the increase will be for 2024/25."
This is Gary Kelliher's reply.
"Hi Bruce. Your rates increases are unjustified and I voted against them along with Cr’s Michael Laws and Kevin Malcolm. Unfortunately the others all voted for them.
"You have honed in on a key issue in that within general rates there was previously a lesser amount for specific charges like public transport and drainage that are met across the entire region, and in this increase this lifted to 20% in most cases.
"I felt this was totally unjustified as the areas outside of these areas don’t receive that service.
"I’m ok with a lesser amount as it’s in the regions interests for some level of support but increasing to that level was completely unjustified. I can’t fathom still how other councillors bought into that.
"For the next annual plan unless more councillors start voting no to these increases and unreasonable actions, unfortunately we will see these increases continuing."
Main Image (L to R) : ORC councillors Michale Laws, Kevin Malcolm and Gary Kelliher.