Crux hospital petition to go to Health Minister

by Peter Newport - Aug 07, 2018

Mayor Jim Boult has agreed to present the Crux 5,000 signature petition supporting a new local hospital to Health Minister Dr David Clark.

The petition includes hundreds of comments that document the severe health consequences caused by the limited resources of the current Lakes District hospital.

A copy of the full petition, with comments, can be accessed here. The petition, which is now compiled into a 35 page PDF document, includes many heartbreaking and dramatic incidents where the lack of an up to date, fully resourced local hospital has put lives at risk and caused hardship and suffering.

Here are just a small number of comments from the petition. Crux will continue to follow this issue very closely and thanks everyone who has taken time to sign the petition.

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Read: All of the elements needed for a new hospital exist - but nothing is being built.

Read: Southern Cross reveals interest in building a "limited" new local hospital.


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