Cromwell, Queenstown drivers make police naughty list

Driving behaviour has been so bad on some local roads it has promoted police to issue a media statement that can be likened to a telling off for motorists - with a serious warning attached.

Police are reporting one driver caught going almost double the speed limit, and another travelling on the wrong side of the road.

They say in general they are seeing some "horrendous" speeds, and in winter, with the potential for ice and snow on the roads, it is especially dangerous.

Southern District road policing manager Inspector Craig Brown says his team is "disappointed" at the number of fines being handed out to drivers travelling too fast and dangerously.

"A concerning number of motorists received an infringement notice as they were seen to be travelling more than 20 kilometres an hour above the speed limit on roads surrounding Cromwell, Ōmarama, Twizel, and Queenstown.

"One motorist was seen to be driving on the wrong side of the road, and had their vehicle impounded. They were summonsed for dangerous driving.

"Three motorists had their drivers’ licences suspended and another person had their vehicle impounded for driving almost double the speed limit.

"It is incredibly frustrating that we are catching so many drivers who are not only risking their own lives but also those of other road users.

"Some of the speeds have been horrendous and coupled with winter conditions with ice and snow on the roads it is dangerous for all users.

"Our key message is that we want our motorists and visitors coming into Southern District to get home safely. 

"Motorists need to take extra care and drive to the conditions. 

"Extra time should be allowed when planning journeys to allow for unexpected delays that may occur due to the conditions. 

"We will continue to target speed and dangerous driving behaviour and we will take enforcement action.

"Expect to see us on the road anywhere at any time."

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