Boult seeks second term as QLDC Mayor
Jim Boult has announced that he will stand for a second term, here's the full media release:
"Queenstown Lakes District Council Mayor Jim Boult announced today he is standing for re-election in October.
Mr Boult says he came to the mayoralty with a change agenda and a “Can Do” attitude, and that while a lot progress has been made in the past three years, the district needs to build on the momentum its created.
“My focus has been on sustainability and helping ensure residents have what they need – a visitor levy to lessen the financial load on locals, affordable housing for our existing residents, accessible public transport through the highly successful $2 bus, and the infrastructure that enables us to enjoy the incredible environment that brings us all to this district.
“Residents have recently voted emphatically in a district wide referendum on a sustainable funding model which will change the way that our district funds itself, by ensuring that visitors contribute directly to the cost of their impact on our communities. Shortly, in partnership with government, we will be preparing a spatial plan as part of our Beyond 2050 vision which is vital to ensuring that we remain both the place we desire to live in and attractive to our visitors. The government has also signalled to me its commitment to work on a long-term investment programme across key government departments for the district”.
“That said, there is still much to do – 600 existing families waiting for affordable housing is simply not good enough. We’ve made a start, following my Mayoral taskforce on Housing in 2017 which led to the introduction of the ground-breaking Secure Home package, while the Homes Strategy currently underway confirms my commitment to really tackle this key community issue.
“We need further bold changes to our public transport network, the roading that supports it, and active transport through more tracks and trails across the district. The future of Queenstown and Wanaka Airports and the role that other airports in the region might play, all need careful consideration. Likewise, health services, arts and cultural facilities, and the town centre refurbishments in both Wanaka and Queenstown are all works in progress. Much has been achieved, but there is still much to do.
“I’m also really concerned with the state of our fresh water, and while this is primarily a regional council issue, I believe QLDC has a role to champion the protection of this precious resource.
Above all managing the inevitable challenges of growth is the key overriding issue for the community. We need to ensure that we lead the growth discussion, not follow it, and tackle it in ways that protect and enhance the environment and our many communities. Wise investment, growing economic diversity, and a commitment to quality rather than quantity are critical areas I will continue to target to ensure we continue to enjoy a great quality of life, and share in the districts growing prosperity.
“I’m proud to represent a district that Karen and I have called home for the past 37 years. I believe that along with the rest of my Council, I have made a very positive change for the district as a whole, and I’m excited to push forward to challenge more issues in the coming years,” says Mr Boult.
“Together we will ensure the Queenstown Lake’s District has a future where the whole community thrives.”