Bus cleaner has Covid-19 - Orbus Queenstown

The following statement has been posted on social media by Orbus Queenstown.

Thank you for keeping physically distant on buses and respecting the measures put in place to keep our community safe. We’re doing all we can to keep the service running and support Orbus QT staff and passengers to feel safe. Without drivers the service will not be able to run, and we thank them and all the staff at the Queenstown operation.

We were recently notified that a cleaner has tested positive for Covid-19. Over the weekend, we have been working quickly with the operator who has been following District Health Board and the Ministry of Health guidance and working with them on contact tracing to test all staff who had been in close contact with that staff member at the Queenstown operation.

We want to assure you that all tests have come back negative.

The contagion happened outside work hours.

Workspace interaction is very limited due to the severe safety restrictions. To be safe, those staff tested will remain in isolation and additional cleaning and depot staff have been brought in to ensure we can keep the service running for essential services.

The operator ramped up cleaning measures weeks ago sanitizing all vehicles up to a sterile level and adding a fleet rotation where buses are able to stand for 36 hours before going back into service.

We wish the cleaner, who is one of many essential staff helping keep the buses going, a speedy recovery.

If you have concerns or questions, please email [email protected].

And we remind you to please be kind to our drivers and to be considerate – only use the bus to access essential services such as the supermarket or health services or if you are an essential worker, enter/exit through the rear doors, and thank our drivers.

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