Wānaka health advocacy group needs community stories
A newly formed health advocacy group who are campaigning for better community facilities in the area are now looking for locals to share their stories.
The group, Health Action Wānaka, formed earlier this year, believes there is little documented information about the community’s experience of accessing healthcare.
They’re aiming to fill this gap by collecting data from people in a number of upcoming focus groups.
Organised for Thursday, July 25, there will be two sessions 11am until 1pm and 6.30 until 8.30pm at Community Networks/LINKS centre.
The volunteer-led group was formed following the heavily-attended Wanaka Upper-Clutha Community Board health meeting in March 2024, where the issues of the town were shared.
Health Action Wanaka steering committee Trish Fraser will be running the groups, and says the situation in Wānaka is “unique” compared to other parts of the Southern Lakes.
“Unlike other towns in the Queenstown Lakes and Central Otago districts, we do not have easy access to a publicly funded emergency department and no in-person, doctor-led after-hours medical care from 11pm until 8.30am.”
She says this leaves people in the area vulnerable and at risk of poor health outcomes.
“By conducting focus groups and online surveys with community members and health practitioners, we plan to collect as much data as possible.
She says the group's plan is to use the information retrieved from the community to share with decision-makers at Health New Zealand, the Minister for Health, and the community.
Anyone who lives in the Upper Clutha and who has accessed healthcare services in the past twelve months is welcome to attend.
Ms Fraser says those with high-health needs, over 65’s, carers, parents with babies and young children, those with disability, migrants and those who have experienced a medical emergency whilst living here are categories of particular interest.