Voting continues late surge: Q'town 38%, Wanaka 47%, Cromwell 49%
The late surge in postal votes has continued today. Here are the new numbers for Friday October 11.
Make sure to follow Crux tomorrow for all of the latest results and reactions to the 2019 Local Elections.
Queenstown - 38.22% of registered people have voted.
Wanaka - 47.39% of registered people have voted.
Arrowtown - 45.55% of registered people have voted.
QLDC total - 42.44% compared to 48.85% in 2016 (at this stage)
2016 Final Total = 54.13%
Cromwell - 49.13% of registered people have voted.
CODC total - 52.25% have voted compared to 56% in 2016 (at this stage)
2016 Final Total = 58.00%