Ultimate Airport Survey - initial results
*** Update. We now have almost 500 responses - new results will be posted when we reach that point.
It's been less than 24 hours since the launch of the Crux Ultimate Airport Survey, but already some interesting new data is coming in. Here are the highlights - followed by a link to the full results so far. Crux plans to run the survey until 3.00 pm on Thursday September 12th.
Don't forget - we need big numbers to make this survey statistically valid. 500 would be good, 1,000 even better, 2,000 or more would be ideal. In the first 12 hours we have had 133 responses.
- In Wanaka 18% of responses say no airport expansion at all - with 27% wanting regional turbo prop flights (no jets)
- In Queenstown 25% of responses want no more flights at all and a further 26% no expansion beyond the current noise boundaries
- In Queenstown 11% supported the airport being moved and 11% supported the current QAC "demand driven" growth model
- So far 18% of responses have been from business owners - 8% of those within tourism. 35% of all respondents are self-employed
- 63% said concern over noise, congestion and over-tourism was the reason for their position on airport expansion.
- 9% gave the environment as their main concern while another 9% said convenient travel was their main influence.
- 66% said information provided so far by QLDC and QAC was either poor or very poor.
- Only 16% said they had faith in the proposed further airport consultation process - 31% were not sure. 50% said no.
Here's the link to the Crux Ultimate Airport Survey.
Here's the link to the full, detailed survey results so far.