Tourism and community wellbeing - have your say

Dr Susan Houge Mackenzie of Otago University is doing some important work that is centred on the relationship between community well being and the tourism industry in Queenstown.

We all have strong views on this subject, but this work will provide some useful, scientific data that can help influence change.

Read the details below and please volunteer to take part in one of the focus groups - either as a tourism worker or community member.


Would you like to voice your perspective on life in Queenstown?

If so, please consider participating in this University of Otago research project exploring the well-being of community members and front line tourism workers in Queenstown.

What is the aim of the project?

The project aim is to understand how living and/or working in Queenstown impacts the well-being of community members and front line tourism workers.

Our long-term goal in conducting this research is to provide evidence-based recommendations for supporting community and front-line staff well-being in Queenstown and similar destinations.

Who are we asking to participate?

We are seeking the following participants for this project:

1.    Current front-line tourism workers over age 18 who have worked for at least 1 year in Queenstown. 

2.    Current community members* over age 18 who have lived for at least 1 year in Queenstown.

*We would like to hear from a diverse range of community members representing a wide range of residency timeframes (i.e., living in Queenstown for: 1-5 years; 5-10 years; 10-20 years; and 20+ years).

What will participants be asked to do?

  • Participate in an approximately 1 hour focus group at a private, centrally located community space in either Queenstown or Frankton.
  • Discuss your well-being in relation to living and/or working in Queenstown in a moderated group discussion, along with 5-6 other participants. 

Participants’ confidentiality and anonymity will be protected by removing any personally identifying information during data analysis and presentation of findings.

When will focus groups be scheduled?

We are scheduling focus groups the week of March 11-15th 2019, with a further week of data collection in early April as needed.

Who do I contact?

If you would like to participate or receive further information, please contact:

Dr. Susan Houge Mackenzie (Primary Investigator)    

Department of Tourism, University of Otago                                                            

Email: [email protected]             

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