The Crux 2022 Mayoral Candidate Debate
With the support of Crux Members we are pleased to publish our 2022 Crux Mayoral Candidate Debate.
It's an hour long, but it covers all of the key issues that other forums have mainly avoided - QLDC jobs for mates, the billion-dollar Lakeview fiasco, the lack of trust in our council, and who's for change and who's for keeping things the same.
Please watch and take notes - we think this is the best tool to make sure that your vote not only counts but counts for the best candidate. We think this makes compulsive, gimmick-free viewing as all of our futures are at stake.
Then check out what our excellent community panel made of the debate - and who they thought came out on top.
Crux will invite the two remaining candidates - Al Angus and Daniel Shand - to respond to the same questions next week.