Southern Covid cases and hospitalisation rates remain high
From the Ministry of Health:
Today we are reporting 5,933 community cases, 537 hospitalisations and 10 deaths.
The seven-day rolling average of case numbers continues to decline, with today's seven-day rolling average at 8,170 – last Sunday it was 10,543.
The number of reported community cases is expected to continue to fluctuate day to day, but the overall trend remains an overall reduction in reported cases.
Please note that because of the Easter public holidays, some of our usual reported breakdowns are unavailable. Apologies for any inconvenience.
COVID-19 deaths
Today we are sadly reporting the deaths of 10 people with COVID-19. These deaths take the total number of publicly reported deaths with COVID-19 to 586 and the seven-day rolling average of reported deaths is 14.
Age and location breakdowns of the people who have died over the past two days are unavailable today.
This is a very sad time for whānau and friends and our thoughts are with them.
Easter weekend reminder
We are reminding you that if you are travelling this Easter weekend, you should have plans in place in the event you contract COVID-19 or are identified as a household contact of a case.
You would need to self-isolate and likely remain wherever you test positive or become a household contact, so there may be extra costs involved in paying for additional accommodation and changing your travel plans.
If you have used your own vehicle to travel, you can travel back to your home to isolate, taking public health measures to ensure you don’t infect anyone on your way home – such as maintaining social distance and using self-service petrol stations.
However, if you have used public transport or travelled between islands, you won’t be able to isolate at your home. It is important you have a plan and the ability to isolate where you are holidaying, if you need to do so.
There are three actions everyone can do to help protect themselves and others this Easter weekend.
Firstly – be up to date with vaccinations, including a booster if you’ve not yet had one. If you are travelling this long weekend, get boosted before you go.
Secondly – wear a mask. Masks are still required in many indoor settings. A good rule of thumb is to wear a mask in indoor public settings as we know that mask use halves the risk of spread of COVID-19. You must also wear a face mask on all flights and public transport, in taxi and ride-share services – unless you are exempt.
And thirdly – stay home and avoid others if you’re unwell, isolating or waiting for the results of a COVID-19 test.
For guidance if you or someone you know tests positive or becomes a household contact, visit the Ministry of Health website.
For more information on mask use at Orange, visit the Unite Against COVID-19 website.
Yesterday's statement under-reported hospital numbers for the Bay of Plenty due to a data reporting issue which has been resolved. Yesterday’s reported hospitalisation figure for the Bay of Plenty should have been 27, the same as it is today, rather than the 17 we reported yesterday.
Border cases changes
From Monday, new arrivals into the country who test positive for COVID-19 within 7 days of arrival will be reported as a border case – changing it from the current definition of within 14 days. Any recent arrivals testing positive for COVID-19 after 7 days will now be reported as a community case reflecting where the most likely source of infection after being in the country for more than a week.
Vaccinations administered in New Zealand
- Vaccines administered to date: 4,026,184 first doses; 3,976,757 second doses; 31,684 third primary doses; 2,613,123 booster doses: 260,497 paediatric first doses and 104,764 paediatric second doses
- Vaccines administered yesterday: 17 first doses; 62 second doses; 1 third primary doses; 825 booster doses; 54 paediatric first doses and 564 paediatric second doses
People vaccinated
- All Ethnicities (percentage of eligible people aged 12+): 4,056,070 first dose (96.4%); 4,006,038 second dose (95.2%), 2,610,163 boosted (71.4% of those eligible)
- Māori (percentage of eligible people aged 12+): 520,805 first dose (91.2%); 503,733 second dose (88.2%), 232,743 boosted (55.6% of those eligible)
- Pacific Peoples (percentage of eligible people aged 12+): 281,752 first dose (98.3%); 276,805 second dose (96.6%), 138,664 boosted (57.5% of those eligible)
- 5 to 11-year-olds all ethnicities: 258,044 first dose (54.2%); 102,373 second dose (21.5%)
- 5 to 11-year-olds - Māori: 40,656 first dose (35.2%); 11,699 second dose (10.1%)
- 5 to 11-year-olds - Pacific Peoples: 23,393 first dose (47.4%); 5,639 second dose (11.4%)
Note that the number for “People vaccinated” differs slightly from “Vaccines administered” as it includes those that have been vaccinated overseas.
Vaccination rates for all DHBs*
- Northland DHB: first dose (90.1%); second dose (88%); boosted (68.2%)
- Auckland Metro DHB: first dose (97.2%); second dose (96.2%); boosted (69.9%)
- Waikato DHB: first dose (95.1%); second dose (93.6%); boosted (67%)
- Bay of Plenty DHB: first dose (95.1%); second dose (93.4%); boosted (66.5%)
- Lakes DHB: first dose (93.2%); second dose (91.4%); boosted (67%)
- MidCentral DHB: first dose (96.4%); second dose (95.2%); boosted (72.6%)
- Tairāwhiti DHB: first dose (93.2%); second dose (91%); boosted (66.4%)
- Whanganui DHB: first dose (91.9%); second dose (90.4%); boosted (72%)
- Hawke’s Bay DHB: first dose (97.1%); second dose (95.5%); boosted (70.3%)
- Taranaki DHB: first dose (94.6%); second dose (93.2%); boosted (68.6%)
- Wairarapa DHB: first dose (96.5%); second dose (95%); boosted (73.4%)
- Capital & Coast DHB: first dose (98.5%); second dose (97.8%); boosted (79.6%)
- Hutt Valley DHB: first dose (96.6%); second dose (95.7%); boosted (75.4%)
- Nelson Marlborough DHB: first dose (96.4%); second dose (95.2%); boosted (73.8%)
- West Coast DHB: first dose (92.7%); second dose (91.3%); boosted (72.1%)
- Canterbury DHB: first dose (99.7%); second dose (98.8%); boosted (74.8%)
- South Canterbury DHB: first dose (94.8%); second dose (93.8%); boosted (74.9%)
- Southern DHB: first dose (98.5%); second dose (97.4%); boosted (73.5%)
*Partially and second doses percentages are for those 12+. Boosted percentages are for 18+ who have become eligible 3 months after having their second dose
Percentages are based on 2020 HSU data - a health-specific population denominator. As the population continues to change over time, coverage rates can exceed 100%.
- Cases in hospital for today: total number 537: Northland: 45; Waitemata: 80; Auckland: 80; Counties Manukau: 77; Waikato: 32; Bay of Plenty: 27; Lakes: 8; Tairāwhiti: 1; Hawke’s Bay: 8; Taranaki: 12; Whanganui: 3; MidCentral: 19; Wairarapa: 3; Hutt Valley: 24; Capital and Coast: 16; Nelson Marlborough: 9; Canterbury: 54; South Canterbury: 6; West Coast: 2; Southern: 31
- *Average age of current hospitalisations: 58
- Cases in ICU or HDU: 20
- Vaccination status of current hospitalisations (Northern Region only, excluding Emergency Departments): unavailable today
Please note the average age of current hospitalisations is for the Northern Region admissions only at this stage. This data is recorded and extracted from the same source as the vaccination status of patients in Northern Region hospitals.
We are currently working on a data solution which would include the average age of current hospitalisations from additional DHBs.
- Seven day rolling average of community cases: 8,170
- Seven day rolling average (as at same day last week): 10,543
- Number of new community cases: 5,933
- Number of new community cases (PCR): 108
- Number of new community cases (RAT): 5,825
- Location of new community cases (PCR & RAT): Northland (293), Waitemata (467), Auckland (414), Counties Manukau (363), Waikato (425), Bay of Plenty (245), Lakes (110), Hawke’s Bay (184), MidCentral (268), Whanganui (103), Taranaki (192), Tairāwhiti (29), Wairarapa (63), Capital and Coast (385), Hutt Valley (230), Nelson Marlborough (201), Canterbury (1,031), South Canterbury (154), Southern (706), West Coast (67), Unknown (3)
- Number of new cases identified at the border: 52
- Number of active community cases today (total): 57,159 (cases identified in the past 7 days and not yet classified as recovered)
- Confirmed cases (total): 822,643
Please note, the Ministry of Health’s daily reported cases may differ slightly from those reported at a DHB or local public health unit level. This is because of different reporting cut off times and the assignment of cases between regions, for example when a case is tested outside their usual region of residence. Total numbers will always be the formal daily case tally as reported to the WHO.
- Number of PCR tests total (last 24 hours): 1,162
- Number of Rapid Antigen Tests reported total (last 24 hours): 5,825
- PCR tests rolling average (last 7 days): 2,359
- Number of Rapid Antigen Tests dispatched (last 7 days as of 14 April 2022): 3.2 million. This will be next updated on Tuesday 19 April.