Saturday: 160 new cases - 1 new in Christchurch
From the Ministry of Health:
There are 160 new community cases of COVID-19 to report today, 151 in Auckland, 7 in Waikato, 1 in Northland, 1 in Canterbury.
The case numbers reported today are a reminder of the infectiousness of COVID-19, and particularly the Delta variant, and the importance of vaccination as the best protection. The rise in case numbers is not unexpected and is line with modelling to date.
Yesterday, several vaccines milestones were reached with 91 per cent of people over 30 having had, or booked, their first dose. Counties Manukau is now about 7000 doses short of reaching 90 per cent coverage for first doses, meaning all three Auckland DHBs should cross this threshold in the next few days.
People are urged to closely monitor the Ministry’s locations of interest webpage, which is updated regularly.
Anyone with symptoms is asked to please get tested and reminded to get vaccinated today if they have not already.
As at 10am, 65 of today’s cases are linked - including 38 household contacts and 95 remain under investigation.
One Auckland case has been reclassified as ‘under investigation’ therefore, the net increase in total community cases is 159 cases.
Cases | |
Number of new community cases | 160 |
Number of new cases identified at the border | 2 |
Location of new community cases | Auckland (151), Waikato (7), Canterbury (1), Northland (1) |
Location of community cases (total) | Auckland 3,060 (1,516 of whom have recovered); Waikato 112 (32 of whom have recovered); Wellington 17 (all of whom have recovered); Northland 10* (all active cases); Nelson/Marlborough 1 (active case); Canterbury 5 (all active cases) |
Number of community cases (total) | 3,205 (in current community outbreak) |
Cases infectious in the community | 46 of yesterday’s cases have exposure events |
Cases in isolation throughout the period they were infectious | 76 of yesterday’s cases have no exposure events |
Cases epidemiologically linked | 65 of today’s 160 cases |
Cases to be epidemiologically linked | 95 of today’s 160 cases. Investigations are continuing to determine any links. |
Cases epidemiologically linked (total) | 2,748 (in the current cluster) (358 unlinked from the past 14 days) |
Cases in hospital | 47 (total, up from 37 yesterday): Waitemata (12); Middlemore (14); Auckland (21) Average age of current hospitalisations: 45 years |
Cases in ICU or HDU | Two |
Confirmed cases (total) | 5,925 since pandemic began |
Historical cases | 179 out of 4,111 since 1 Jan 2021 |
Contacts | |
Number of active contacts being managed (total): | 3,124 |
Percentage who have received an outbound call from contact tracers (to confirm testing and isolation requirements) | 79% |
Percentage with at least one test result | 72% |
Locations of interest | |
Locations of interest (total) | 412 (as at 10am 30 October) |
Tests | |
Number of tests (total) | 4,066,630 |
Number of tests total (last 24 hours) | 28,925 |
Tests processed in Auckland (last 24 hours) | 12,434 |
Tests rolling average (last 7 days) | 24,369 |
Testing centres in Auckland | 16 |
Wastewater | |
Wastewater detections | No unexpected wastewater detections. |
COVID-19 vaccine update | |
Vaccines administered to date (total) | 6,805,441; 1st doses: 3,693,489 (88%); 2nd doses: 3,111,805 (74%) |
Vaccines administered yesterday (total) | 42,755; 1st doses: 10,995; 2nd doses: 31,760 |
Māori | 1st doses: 406,537; 2nd doses: 294,268 |
Pacific Peoples | 1st doses: 241,973; 2nd doses: 192,419 |
Vaccines administered to Auckland residents to date (total) | 2,443,104; 1st doses: 1,304,318 (91%); 2nd doses: 1,138,786 (79%) |
Vaccines administered to Auckland residents yesterday (total) | 12,986; 1st doses: 2,591, 2nd doses: 10,396 |
NZ COVID Tracer | |
Registered users (total) | 3,333,040 |
Poster scans (total) | 465,946,775 |
Manual diary entries (total) | 19,248,660 |
Poster scans in 24 hours to midday yesterday | 2,621,084 |
* One case reported yesterday in Auckland has now been reclassified as a Northland case.
New cases identified at the border
Arrival date | From | Via | Positive test day/reason | Managed isolation/quarantine location |
26 October | United Kingdom | Singapore | Day 1 / routine | Auckland |
27 October | Singapore | Direct flight | Day 1 / routine | Auckland |
Christchurch update
There is one new case to report in Christchurch today.
The case recently travelled into New Zealand from overseas. They had multiple negative tests in MIQ in Auckland including a Day 12 test, before being released and travelling to Christchurch. They have reported as being full vaccinated. On Thursday, they had a further test, which returned a positive result last night.
The person is now self-isolating in Christchurch, pending further tests to determine the source of infection and whether it is acute or historical.
Because there are cases in Canterbury, it is important that anyone, especially those in Christchurch, with any symptoms, no matter how mild, are asked to please get tested. Those in Canterbury are also reminded to get vaccinated today if they have not already.
Testing and vaccination sites are available across Canterbury, today and into the weekend. Please see the Canterbury DHB website for site locations and hours.
Yesterday across Canterbury, nearly 8000 vaccinations were administered. More than 90 per cent of region’s eligible population has now had their first dose.
Tonga Update
Four household contacts have now been identified for the person who was reported as testing positive for COVID-19 in Tonga yesterday, after travelling to Tonga from Christchurch on Wednesday 27 October.
The case returned a negative pre-departure test before leaving New Zealand. They are fully vaccinated with the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine.
The household contacts include two people who remain in Christchurch, and two people who travelled from Christchurch to Wellington on Tuesday 26 October. All contacts have been contacted by public health officials, been told to self-isolate and get tested.
Anyone with symptoms is asked to please get tested and reminded to get vaccinated today if they have not already. Testing locations in the Wellington region can be found here and here.
The Ministry, along with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, continues to work with officials in Tonga to confirm the case.
Auckland update
The focus today in Auckland remains on testing in areas identified as having higher positivity rates, where the risk of unidentified cases is higher.
Public health staff are asking people in the suburbs of Redvale, Rosedale, New Lynn, Wiri, Drury, Henderson and Manurewa with symptoms to get tested – no matter how mild their symptoms may be. The advice is the same even if people are vaccinated.
There are 16 community testing centres available for testing across Auckland today. Up-to-date information on testing locations in Auckland, visit
Auckland retirement home
Following further testing at Edmonton Meadows retirement village in Henderson, an additional seven residents and one staff member have been confirmed as having COVID-19 – bringing the total number of cases at the home to nine.
It’s important to note there are high levels of vaccination among residents of the home, and all staff are fully vaccinated.
All staff and residents have now been tested and will also receive day 5 and day 12 testing.
Auckland Regional Public Health staff are supporting the residents and staff at the privately-owned facility.
At this stage, only one positive staff member has been required to stand down.
The retirement village has been operating under alert level 3 guidelines for visitors, meaning people have only been able to visit the village on compassionate grounds.
Waikato Update
Today we are reporting seven new cases in Waikato. Two of these cases – both in Kāwhia – were reported in yesterday’s 1pm update but have been added to today’s official case numbers.
Of the five new cases, three are from Hamilton, one is from the Te Awamutu/Kihikihi area, and one from Ōtorohanga
Public health investigations have so far determined links for two Hamilton cases and the Te Awamutu/Kihikihi case. Investigations are continuing today to establish further links for the remaining four.
All are in isolation with public health oversight.
A pop-up testing centre in Kāwhia remains open today at the Maketu Marae. This is open until 3 today. which will be running for the next three days from 11am to 3pm each day.
Anyone in the Kāwhia areas with symptoms, even if they are mild and they are vaccinated, is urged to get tested.
As well as the permanent testing site in Hamilton, there are five pop-up testing sites operating today in Hamilton, Kāwhia, Ōtorohanga, Whatawhata, and Te Awamutu. Please see the DHB website for location details and the Healthpoint website for all other testing providers.
There were 3,270 tests processed throughout Waikato yesterday and 3,725 vaccinations were given.
Northland Update
There have been four new cases over the past 24 hours.
However, today we are officially reporting just one of these cases, as one was recorded in yesterday’s numbers, initially as an Auckland case and subsequently reclassified as a Northland case, and a further two have been reported to the Ministry after 9am today. Those two will be officially added to the tally tomorrow.
The four individuals are in the same household in southern Kaipara. Investigations are continuing to determine further details and potential links.
Testing and vaccination rates yesterday remained relatively steady and we are encouraging anyone in the region who has symptoms to get a test. Testing over the weekend will be available at the following locations:
Kaitaia – Kaitaia Hospital – open til 2pm
Kerikeri – 1 Sammaree Place – open til 4pm
Ôhaeawai – Ôhaeawai Rugby Clubrooms – open til 5pm
Kaiwaka – Three Furlongs Bar & Grill – open til 2pm
Whangârei – 20 Winger Crescent – open til 4pm