Queenstown crosswinds disrupt multiple flights

Multiple flights involving Air NZ and Qantas are being affected by strong crosswinds at Queenstown airport.

Air NZ flight 628 was ready to take off from Queenstown when it held on the runway threshold just after 8.30 pm - forcing Qantas flight 123 from Sydney to Queenstown to fly directly over the runway, and the Air NZ aircraft, at around 8,000 feet.

QF 123 from Sydney had to fly over the top of NZ 168 after the Air NZ flight aborted a departure for Auckland. Image: Flightradar24

Air NZ told Crux in a brief statement that NZ 628 returned to the terminal in Queenstown without attempting to take off.

QF 123 attempted one landing after the Air NZ aircraft exited the runway but then aborted and appears to be flying to Christchurch.

QF 123 diverts to Christchurch after a second aborted landing attempt. Image: Flightradar24

NZ 627 from Auckland to Queenstown had been holding over Tarras for 15 minutes but then headed towards Queenstown.

NZ 627 held over Tarras for 15 minutes as QF 123 headed to Christchurch

That aircraft managed to land at 9.23 pm.

In a brief statement the Queenstown Airport Corporation said:

"There have been some disruptions tonight.
"The airlines are supporting passengers.
"At this stage we understand all passengers in Queenstown will be accommodated and no passengers will be in the terminal overnight."

After changing runway takeoff direction three times - NZ 628 finally got off the ground for Auckland.

*** Update: NZ 628 made a second attempt to take off for Auckland at 9.41 pm - one hour and 15 minutes later than scheduled - but then re-positioned from the eastern threshold to the western end of the runway - and then back again. Finally it got into the air at 9.51pm.
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