QLDC pockets $11.8 million parking cash as CCTV errors emerge

The Queenstown Lakes District Council has received an astonishing $11.8 million through parking fines, parking meters and permits over the past three years, issuing over 124,000 parking tickets.

  • Revenue from QLDC parking infringements: $5,224,504.00
  • Number of tickets: 124,822
  • Revenue from QLDC parking meters and permits: $6,610,497.00
  • Source QLDC. Jan 2019 to December 2021.

But Crux is finding evidence that tickets issued through the council’s CCTV cameras in the Queenstown CBD might be subject to numerous errors involving the wrong time, the wrong vehicle or the wrong type of parking zone.

Two parking tickets issued recently to a Crux vehicle involved CCTV images of the wrong person and vehicle, the wrong time and the wrong parking zone. Both instances involved parking space outside the CBD post boxes that QLDC had specifically told Crux were permitted for short term use while collecting mail.

CCTV images supplied to Crux in support of parking ticket - wrong car, wrong person, wrong place.

Crux is awaiting a detailed Council explanation for the two breaches, especially as the privacy of another individual was breached in one case. Crux is keen to hear from anybody else who has requested parking infringement images and found problems with time, location, vehicle details or the wrong parking zone. Both tickets have since been withdrawn.

Anyone who receives a CCTV ticket can access CCTV still frame images at this link to check the accuracy of the ticket information.

CCTV images for a second CCTV QLDC parking ticket - wrong time, wrong zone - this is a loading zone where short term parking is allowed - not a taxi rank.

QLDC staff say that a new temporary parking space is being developed near the Lakeview construction site to partly address the dropping of parking buildings in the CBD as an answer to chronic parking shortages.

“At a broader level, QLDC is currently preparing a district-wide parking management strategy which will look at making best use of the existing parking supply across the district and target known problems to ensure there’s enough parking available for those who need it most.  

“The strategy will also help inform any additional changes to the District Plan needed to ensure parking is well managed from the development stage and will also feed into comprehensive parking management plans for specific locations across the district.   The timing to complete the draft strategy is still being confirmed.” Source: QLDC communications

Figures supplied to Crux by QLDC show that 30% of parking tickets are not paid. Court costs in chasing unpaid parking fines total over $800,000 since 2018 with total parking enforcement costs exceeding $4 million.

The breakdown of parking enforcement costs from QLDC.



  • 1 Jan 2019 – 31 Dec 2019: 72.8%
  • 1 Jan 2020 – 31 Dec 2020: 78.6%
  • 1 Jan 2021 – 31 Dec 2021: 70.2%  

Successful parking ticket collection rates. Source QLDC.

In spite of multiple complaints on social media of drivers being issued parking tickets, via CCTV, while dropping off a passenger or taking 30 seconds to pick up a package, QLDC says the use of CCTV is a positive step.

“There is limited space for parking right across the district so it’s the management of our existing parking that is important, not necessarily providing more parking.   

“Enforcement plays an important role in managing our existing parking supply and QLDC is always open to and looking for improvements in the way we do this to ensure traffic is flowing in the town centre and parking spaces are available for all users.  

“One of our most successful tools has been the introduction of CCTV at key locations, such as bus stops, loading zones and mobility spaces – ensuring these spaces are available for those who need them." Source: QLDC communications.

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