Organisers say Qtown traffic plan for 8,000 event audience will work
The team behind today’s Bay Dreams event in Queenstown say that so far over 40% of their 8,000 ticket holders have booked seats on local charter buses, easing pressure on local congested roads.
A fleet of 30 buses are available from Queenstown’s CBD, Lake Hayes Estate, Wānaka, Arrowtown and Cromwell with the $20 return bus fare being pitched to cover just the basic bus cost.
2,000 bus tickets ticket had been sold by mid morning today (January 5) for ticket holders in the Queenstown area.
The event doors open at 12 noon today with the shut down expected at 10.30 pm.
It's the first time for Bay Dreams in Queenstown with the event having previously been held in Nelson.
Operations Manager Adam McDonald told Crux today that local drivers who wanted to avoid the Bay Dreams event venue at the Queenstown Events Centre near the BP roundabout could instead use the Arthurs Point/Dalefield route into the Queenstown CBD.
"We're really pleased though with the uptake of event bus tickets so far" Mr McDonald says. "We do provide free parking in order to encourage safe drivers at the event, but the charter buses are designed to ease traffic congestion, and so far that seems to be working very well."
The event website warns Wanaka, Cromwell, Arrowtown & Lake Hayes ticket holders attending the event to make sure that they catch the return bus by the strict 10.45 pm boarding time.
A comprehensive traffic management plan put in place with the QLDC involved measurement of traffic volumes at the same time as the event.