ORC refuses QLDC "permission to pollute" consent application
The QLDC has just released the following statement following the Otago Regional Council's decision to decline the controversial "permission to pollute" consent application.
Independent hearing commissioners today released their decision on consent application RM19.051 to discharge wastewater overflows to freshwater receiving environments, lodged with the Otago Regional Council (ORC) by the Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) in April of this year.
The commissioners have declined the application.
The decision is now subject to appeals until 31 January. ORC will not be commenting on the decision during the appeals period.
The panel heard submissions and evidence in Queenstown between 4 and 7 November.
In total, 200 submissions were received on the consent application, which was publicly notified at the applicant’s request. Of those submissions, 2 were in support, 1 was neutral and 197 were in opposition.
To view the decision, visit https://www.orc.govt.nz/qldcconsent