ORC councillor warns of imminent QLDC sewage discharge

ORC Dunstan Ward councillor Michael Laws has shared this email with Crux that has also been sent to the Chair (Gretchen Robertson) and CEO (Richard Saunders) of the Otago Regional Council.

"It is my understanding that the QLDC is about to discharge treated sewage into the Shotover (and thence into Kawerau) to a minimum of 12,000 cu metres per day.

Not all of that sewage will have been through the treatment plant but has sat in the oxidation pond prior to discharge.

My understanding is that the QLDC have told ORC officers of this intent during the mediation hearings.

The excuse being used for this discharge is potential bird strike but the real reason is the failure of the WWTP at the Frankton ponds.

In your email, Richard, you advise that the QLDC require a consent but that will be historic - after the event has occurred. That’s too late, in my book.

Because this issue is in mediation, there is a suggestion that council staff can hide this awareness away from governance at the QLDC (and presumably the ORC), because it’s supposedly a secret mediation. I disagree. If the ORC has received information during mediation that could potentially jeopardise the immediate environment, then that is surely a communication that governance require.

Until now, the ORC staff have relayed that the treatment discharges are minor in their impact. But if the ponds are effectively emptied by the QLDC then the impact will be major. The ORC faces both significant environmental and reputational risk as a party to the discharge, informal or not. 

In your report to councillors later today, I ask that you address the matters raised in this email."

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