Ngāi Tahu: QLDC emergency sewage plan "underhand"

The following statement has been received by Crux from Darren Rewi, on behalf of the Hokonui Runanga of Ngāi Tahu.

"Hokonui Runanga, one of the seven Ngāi Tahu Papatipu Runanga with shared interests in the QLDC area, has expressed this issue (proposed QLDC sewage emergency action and discharge of partially treated effluent into local rivers) requires urgent attention on behalf of its own members, community and in the national interests.

"Hokonui Runanga will discuss this underhand action as opposed to a solution with both Te Ao Marama and Aukaha on Monday."

Te Ao Mārama is a judicially led District Court kaupapa that partners with iwi and communities to work with the court and justice sector agencies.

Aukaha is a mana whenua-owned organisation that delivers services across the takiwā of Papatipu Rūnaka shareholders.

Ngāi Tahu is also currently involved in a High Court action against the Crown over the way freshwater is managed.

Councillor Niki Gladding has revealed that the QLDC plans to use emergency powers under the Resource Management Act to release 12,000 cubic metres a day of partially treated sewage into the Shotover River, following the long term failure of the Shotover Wastewater plant.

Councillor Gladding told Crux "From where I sit, QLDC is changing the narrative and blending or conflating the issues to suit its objectives and the powers it wants to rely on - whether those be powers under the LGOIMA (to exclude the public) or powers under the RMA (to lawfully discharge sewage without consent).  I don't like it - it feels manipulative and dishonest.  And it certainly doesn't feel like we're being transparent."

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